The Iron Sharpens Iron National One-Day Equipping Conference includes two World Class Keynote Speakers specifically for men. There are 20+ seminars from the Best of the Best in Men’s Ministry (see a list of the seminars scheduled at the end of the page). Masculine style worship and Exhibitors with resources just for men. This conference is for men of all ages: Emerging Men (13-19), Pioneering Men (20-29), Full Throttle Men (30-55), Seasoned Men (55+). This one day equipping conference held each year provides vital resources designed to help the church reach and build their men. Training and equipping local churches is the heartbeat of Cape Fear Men who host the Iron Sharpens Iron National One Day Equipping Conference.
Keynote Speaker
Rod Handley is the Founder & President of Character that Counts, a ministry established in 2000. Rod speaks all across the nation to men, women and teenagers about character, integrity and accountability issues. He has written over 35 books including “Character Counts: Who’s Counting Yours?” From 1986-1999, he served on the staff of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, including 11 years as the COO/CFO. He has also spoken at hundreds of chapel services for a number of NFL, NBA and MLB teams, including serving as team chaplain for the Kansas City Royals (1995-2009) and the Seattle SuperSonics (1986-89). Rod and his wife Janna live in Lee’s Summit, MO and they have four children (ages 24-31) and three grandchildren.
Thomas McMillan is a dynamic motivational teacher who has a heart for today’s man. His ministry seeks to create an atmosphere of growth and empowerment for men who want to fulfill their God-given potential. Thomas is an Area Director for Man in the Mirror Ministries in Central Connecticut and is a frequent speaker and trainer for Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conferences. Thomas has served in various ministry positions with a focus on Men’s Ministry for over 40 years. He has been married to the love of his life Laurie for 45 years and has three adult children and four grandchildren
I thoroughly enjoyed my day with you all. It was the first event I have attended and am looking forward to more. I loved the worship, preaching, and breakout sessions and felt a sense of “wanting to do better,” for my Lord, my family, and my church. Attending the event truly made me want to be a better man! I told our church about how much I enjoyed it and am hoping to bring more men next time. I appreciate your heart and willingness to serve and will be in prayer for you and the ministry.
ISI Promo Video
Recap of the Iron Shaprens Iron Conferences in North Carolina
Group Early Registration: $39.00 (10 or more tickets)
Individual Registration : $49.00 (<10 tickets)
Full-time Student (13-22 yrs old) and Active Duty Military: $29.00
PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE NO REFUNDS ON REGISTRATIONS. Speakers have committed to ISI. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, substitutions may need to occur. During the conference video and still photographs are taken. Registration constitutes permission for ISI or network ministries to use video and photos taken on site. ISI Conferences will be held regardless of weather conditions. Consequently, there are no refunds due to weather related.
Conference Day Scheule:
7:30 AM Doors Open
8:25 AM Conference Starts
10:00 AM First Breakout Session
11:20 AM Second Breakout Session
12:30 PM Closing Assembly
12:55 PM Conference Ends
10 Reasons Why I Should Bring My Son To ISI:
- Great Father and Son Opportunity – ISI is a great FATHER AND SON experience
- ISI has breakout sessions specifically designed for Teens
- Plenty of great Bible teaching at Men’s ISI Conferences
- Other Christian Teens are at ISI with their Dads
- Your teenage son will be spiritually challenged and encouraged at ISI
- We have a great worship band at ISI
- The ISI experience is one he will remember for years
- ISI is a good reason to turn off their cell phone for Eight Hours!
- An ISI conference is better than any video game
- ISI conferences are something you can do with your Son EVERY YEAR.
Breakout Seminars
Seminar Speakers and Topics will be added as received
Spiritual Fathering – making disciples of the next generation
Kevin Gregory
Area Director
Man in the Mirror
Sanford, NC
Building a winning Team – essential for church growth
Kevin Gregory
Area Director
Man in the Mirror
Sanford, NC
How to Comeback from a Set Back
How do you M.O.V.E. Forward after you have fallen backward.
Audience: For all men.
Thomas McMillian
Guardrail Ministries
New Britian, CT
Standing Strong, Staying Steady
We live in a time of great political, cultural, and Societal upheaval. How do we as Men of God Stay Steady and Stand S.T.R.O.N.G.
Audience: For all men.
Thomas McMillian
Guardrail Ministries
New Britian, CT
Discovering Your WHY?
The number one question I get asked is WHY am I here. God has put a purpose inside of every man but the sad part many will live and die never living it out, because no one has ever showed them how simple it is to discovering their purpose.
Audience: For all men.
Rex Tignor
Director of Training
Iron Sharpens Iron
Glen Arbor, VA
Building Effective Groups For Men
This is where real growth happens and it needs to be built strong. In this seminar we will give you the tools on how to build strong effective groups for men that keep them coming back. Because when you build strong men, everyone wins.
Audience: Pastors and Men’s Ministry Leaders
Rex Tignor
Director of Training
Iron Sharpens Iron
Glen Arbor, VA
So You Are Arguing with God – How’s That Working Out for You
Have you ever been in and smelled the belly of a shale? We don’t argue, we reason, justify, council and even ignore the Almighty God.
Audience: For all men.
Bobby Ossofsky
At The Men’s Table Ministries
White Plains, NY
Finishing Strong: Living Out My Life with Intergity
If you knew you had 5 minutes to live would you say I need more time to make some corrections. Or would you say I’ve run my race well.
Audience: For all men.
Bobby Ossofsky
At The Men’s Table Ministries
White Plains, NY
Accountability—The Missing Link
Men are better when they are together. Yes, I need you and you need me. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens one another” (Proverbs 27:17).
Rod Handley
Charactor that Counts
Kansas City, MO
The Porn Phenomenon
Mark Denison
There’s Still Hope
Brandenton, FL
Personal Development
Personal development precedes deveopment in all other areas of your life. What is personal development? Why is it needed? How it affects you and others? What are the challenges? The biblical discipline implementations to your daily living to enhance your living in biblical excellence.
Matt Treppel
Metro Director – Lower NC
Fellowships of Christian Athelics
Wilmington, NC
You Belong
I’m excited to share with everyone how god showed me that I belong. I will walk you through my testimony and how I know I belong and I know that anyone that woke up today belongs.
Audience: Emerging Men (13-20 years old)
Kaden Gurski
Youth Pastor
The Point
Louisa, VA
The Identity Crisis–Do You Know Who You Are & Whose You Are?
Barna Research states the #1 issue facing men of today is related to their identity. This session will affirm the high calling of Biblical manhood in this crazy upside down culture.
Rod Handley
Charactor that Counts
Kansas City, MO
NEXT: Moving Forward with Pain
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
This session explores the concepts of sonship, grief, and lament from a biblical perspective. Helping men move forward while processing their grief.
Jay Cookingham
Strategic Fathering Ministries
Hyde Park, NY
Feel free to contact us with any questions.